Nomura has received numerous accreditations from Japan's top-level design awards,
as well as in Asia, Europe and the U.S.
More than 100 titles are awarded in Japan and overseas.
Excellence Award(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Minister's Secretariat Commerce and Service Deputy Director Award)
Exposition & Exhibition & Event Direction

Promotion and direction

Encouragement Award( Japan Display Industry Association Award )
Cultural & Public facilities
Shitara Town Oku mikawa Folk Museum
Exposition & Exhibition & Event Direction
( Merci Media Corporation / Toronto, CANADA )
GOLD ( Visual & Graphic Design )
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SILVER ( Visual & Graphic Design )
*You will be transferred to an external website.

BRONZE ( Interior Design )
*You will be transferred to an external website.

Shortlist ( Asia – Cafe )

Shortlist ( Middle East & Africa - Multiple )
Shortlist ( Asia – Luxury )
Sugalabo V
( Japan Institute of Design Promotion )
Whale Town Oshika
Architectural & Exhibition design = AXS SATOW INC.
Exhibition construction = NOMURA Co,. Ltd.( The Oshika Peninsula Visitor Center in Whale Town Oshika )